In this Blog we will be providing proven remedies on how to avoid having a heart attack; if you've had a heart attack we give you strategies to follow in order that you don't have another one, and lastly we will show you methods you can use to lower your cholesterol naturally.
There is new research out for people with Cholesterol… thousands of people like you have systematically and effectively reversed their condition. This reversal occurred as a result of a change in their dietary habits. Did you know that one of the major influences on your Cholesterol condition is your diet?
No doubt if you have been diagnosed as having a high cholesterol level you will be taking traditional medicine to bring it down. But high cholesterol can never be cured through traditional methods.
Traditional medicine “fights” Cholesterol through drugs that treat the symptoms of the disease, but never deals with the root cause of the problem.
The modern way of living and the foods we consume, such as sugar, sweets, biscuits, chocolate, crisps, coffee, cola, fats & oils, cigarettes, alcohol, vinegar, pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives, all contribute to an imbalance within your body, and cholesterol is simply the initial way it is manifesting itself.
You must realise that cholesterol is not a Disease, but an outward "signal" - of a damaged inner terrain that simply is too polluted, toxic, and acidic!
So how do we remedy and heal the inner body? By getting the body back into its natural state of vibrant health... by "cleansing" it from the inside, allowing the body to rest and heal itself by stopping once and for all the incessant attacks of refined, procesed foods on your inner terrain.
There are a few changes that you can start right now in your battle to lower your cholesterol.
First and foremost you must cut down daily your intake of the foods I have listed a bove until you are not consuming them at all! I know it's not going to be easy but if you want to avoid a stroke or heart attack you have to make it a priority.
There are alternatives, which are more appetising and satisfying. For example:
Reversing Cholesterol is quite straightforward using basic biochemical cause and effect. The only reason people don't beat their Cholesterol is because:
1) they don't know about this information, and
2) organized medicine doesn't teach anybody this information. Drug companies would much prefer to keep you dependent on drugs. The moment you beat Cholesterol, they lose a customer!
It’s time to stop poisoning yourself! It’s time to escape the “Cholesterol Trap”!
Further reading: In Reversing Cholesterol you can read about the breakthrough information that gives you the lifesaving data you need to take charge of your health and reverse Cholesterol WITHOUT harmful prescription drugs. This information is strongly supported by thousands of researches and world-class doctors around the world.
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